


My group's theme is Environmental Issues, and I choose Pollution for my topic. At first I was afraid of not finding any or some of literature works for this topic because I think there is no specific works for this kind of topic. But after I tried to find and search it online, I found a lot of interesting works for my portofolio and I get to learn a lot of things from it. At first, all I knew about Pollution is that is just some of the environmental issues that have never been solved until this day. But it turns out that it is  more than that.

Based on what i have searched before, According to Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment. These harmful materials are called pollutants. Pollutants can be natural, such as volcanic ash. They can also be created by human activity, such as trash or runoff produced by factories. Pollutants damage the quality of air, water, and land. Many things that are useful to people produce pollution. Cars spew pollutants from their exhaust pipes. Burning coal to create electricity pollutes the air. Industries and homes generate garbage and sewage that can pollute the land and water. Pesticides—chemical poisons used to kill weeds and insects—seep into waterways and harm wildlife.

By doing this assignment, I get to understand a lot about Pollution, the various type of it. I have been doing a lot of research for this portfolio, by watching some movies, also read the books and various of poems. Actually I find it hard to find any literary works for this kind of topic but my sister was helping me to search also for the literary works so it makes it a lot easier for me to finish this portfolio. Researching takes so much time and of course i must be specific with the source that i have been looking. 


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